Important Notice: Parental Approval Required for Student Exit from Campus

Important Notice: Parental Approval Required for Student Exit from Campus

Dear Parents,

At Renaissance University, the safety and well-being of our students are of utmost importance. As part of our mandate, we ensure that adequate security and care are provided for all students on campus. To further strengthen this, we require your cooperation in managing the exit of your wards from the school premises.

We kindly ask that only you, as the parent or guardian, approve the movement of your ward in and out of the campus. This is especially important for parents of new students who resumed without being accompanied. If you are uncertain about the contact details on file for approving your ward’s exit, we urge you to promptly contact the university admissions office to verify and update the information. 

It is essential that the correct contact person is the one providing authorization for your child’s movement, and we encourage all parents to continue playing an active role in this process. Your involvement has always been vital in ensuring the safety of our students.

Admission officers
08051569965 or 09121751222